Tag Archives: Thank You

Thank Mew Very Much


It’s always nice when I see fellow bloggers reach “like” and “follow” milestones. It’s also nice of WordPress to keep track of such things and let me know when my numbers are adding up. I’d like to think it’s my brilliant writing and amazing artwork that compels someone to press the FOLLOW button when they view my blog, but I know the real truth is that Bean, Vera, and Lucy are just so stinkin’ cute, how could anyone resist?

Whatever your reasons, I very sincerely thank you for spending a few minutes of your time on my pages! Happy Caturday!

Cats with 200 followers

You are all the Cat’s Meow! Bean, Lucy, and Vera say, “Thank Mew Very Much!”

This is all your fault…

1000 Likes with Cats

My muses, clockwise from top left: Cleo (2009), Bean, Garfield (2014), Vera, Lucy, and Emily (2014)

You may notice a few changes at Art Is Not For Sissies, like a new header and formatting, and a little more headline action for Attack Cat Studio. When I reached the “1000 Likes” milepost this week, I decided the best way to say THANK YOU!! to my readers was to update my look. You know, make it more spiffy, add some organization, tell you a little bit about myself…some important details for someone who has reached ONE THOUSAND likes. It is my own fault that it took me four years of erratic blogging to get here, and, frankly, compared to some bloggers, 1000 likes is something they do every day. But, hey, the tally means a lot to me, and because of you, here we are at this moment of transformation. Cheers, friends!