Danger, Cats!


My answer to today’s prompt, Rise of the Robots is an astounding development in the world of cat waste removal. Everyone is aware of the automated, self-scooping litter box. I’ve seen a few myself, but have never tried one out. When I saw pictures of this particular box, I wondered what made the designers stick so closely to a robot look, for a cat box. Is there something I’m missing? Apparently, cats everywhere are amenable to these, but I’m pretty sure my cats would not use this device. First of all, it’s covered, a sure recipe for peeing outside of the box at my house. Plus, it’s a small dark hole from which would emanate a mechanical noise as soon as they exited– double scary. So, Drawlloween today? Rise of the Litter RobotsScary!

Cat with Litter Robots

A curious, space-age litter box. It looks scary to me.

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